An expensive hobby.
Professional level: fun, Project volume: medium
I got into flying when I got a cheap supermarket drone. I flew it so mutch that its cheap plastic gears wore out. From there I went with a bigger design and built an AP drone, but it was sluggish and built my first 5” FPV as well. I didn’t start flying for another year as I was on a tight budget and could’t afford to break it and one thing is for sure in FPV: it will break. Instead I was practicing on a simulator.
It was heavy, it had low quality components and it had no punch. But it kept going after many crashes. Went on many trips and made some videos. On the first youtube video my piloting skills have a serious competition with my video editing skills.
After a while I felt that I was kept back by the cheap components so I decided it was time for an upgrade. I built a powerful lightweigth 6S 5” quadcopter. It has so much more power that at first it was scary to fly.
I wish I had more opportunity to fly. Don’t want to make excuses but:
- I have a lot of other hobbies
- When I am not working on a hobby I am working
- I don’t have a car
- I live in the middle of a capital and lawmakers made it impossible to fly in inhabited areas
- I am not the best pilot at crashing is expensive